Resume Writing | Career Branding | Career Coaching

Commonly requested services include:

  • Resume Development
  • Cover Letter Development
  • Interview Preparation and Role Play
  • Obtaining Meaningful Recommendations
  • Communication Drafting & Preparation with Potential Employers
  • Salary Negotiation Preparation

Resume Writing:  Sure, you can put a resume together...most people do.  However, if I told you the amount of candidates who are passed over due to a poor resume, you'd probably think I was lying.  After all, first impressions can't be redone, so be sure you're putting your best foot forward.  I can help you refine your resume to ensure it stands out among the crowds, or I can help you build your resume entirely from scratch.  Your resume is one part of the job seeking process you control, so be sure you knock it out of the park.  

Career Branding for Professionals:  Every job opening has hundreds of people vying for the opportunity.  It's been this way for several years now and will continue to be this way for the foreseeable future.  If you have done any job hunting in the last 5 years, you know what I am talking about.  One part of career branding is your online presence.  Have you ever googled yourself?  It's important to be mindful of the perception others have of you, particularly via your web presence.  

I assist clients with their online presence through:
  • LinkedIn Profile Development
  • Online Portfolio Development or Personal Website
  • Personal Online Presence - Overall Strategy

Instead of hoping and praying your resume is part of the small handful selected to move on in the process, take proactive steps to get noticed.  If you do career branding well, opportunities will find you.  Let me help!

Career Coaching:  I help job seekers determine which opportunities are the right ones to chase, build a plan for pursuing those opportunities, and develop the career seeking skills that will help them put their best foot forward.  Job seekers, particularly those proactively looking for employment, may have a challenging and stressful road ahead of them.  If your network isn't supplying you with opportunities, then you won't be able to rely on friendships for your next opportunity.  That means you have some competition and need to ensure solid preparation in the areas you most control throughout the job hunting process.  

Things you control include:

  • your resume
  • the interview
  • presentation and first impressions
  • recommendations
  • communicating with the employer
I can help you master these steps and skills to make sure you are at the top of the short list for your next dream opportunity.  Using time-tested tools and in a short amount of time, I can prepare you for the tough stuff, build your confidence, and get you on the fast track to landing your next opportunity or dream job.  Contact me today at for a free consultation to see if I can help.

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